An Invitation to Spread the Gospel
THE WAY . . .
The Way is our free quarterly publication sent out internationally to encourage the church in her community outreach. It is relevant, Reformed, reasoned, and readable, offering serious answers to the serious questions of the thinking unchurched and formerly churched. It is available in English, Spanish, Italian, and French and is offered as a general copy for direct distribution and as a master copy for churches and ministries to customize for their own local outreach.
Scroll down for commendations, step-by-step guides to customization, present and past copies, and the opportunity to receive your free subscription.
“Thank you! I've already sent El Camino around!!” Costa Rica
What People Are Saying . . .
From Liberia . . .
“I am not a Christian, I am a Muslim living in Monrovia but I have been receiving Email from you, so I am interested in joining you.”
From Malaysia . . .
“I read The Way last night! Superb! I’ve shared it with my family to read.”
From Pakistan . . .
“I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your impactful ministry and for [The Way] that I have been receiving. Your teachings have been a source of inspiration and enlightenment for me,”
From the United Kingdom . . .
““I think your piece on homosexuality in this [September 2019] issue is maybe the best thing I have ever read on the subject ~ winsome, wise, biblically-nuanced. May the Lord give it a wide readership and bring glory to him through people turning to Christ as a result.”
“I found your article on the Israel/Palestine situation very helpful, and it definitely influenced my public praying this Lord’s Day (in a helpful way), particularly the section directly addressed to the Jew and the Gentile. We live in an area of lots of Muslims, but still with some Jewish communities, so you talking through the subject with light not heat, was really helpful. Thank you!”
From Italy . . .
"I have read and found interesting and relevant the September edition [of La Via], and I am looking forward to reading the next. Praise God you have the desire to share this . . . I am confident that this will bring fruit. May God bless you, your staff and ministry, and thanks for your hard work to spread the good news in many Countries."
From Costa Rica . . .
“Para una mejor comprensión respecto a la nación de Israel, recomiendo altamente este artículo publicado por el ministerio From His Fullness.”
From the United States . . .
“Thank you for the September [2020] edition . . . I found the article both interesting and encouraging. I had no idea George Whitefield had been "cancelled." I also knew nothing about the cloudier side of his stand on slavery. Despite that failure, it demonstrates how the radical left knows nothing of forgiveness or nuance in assessing human beings. Keep speaking out, and may your work continue to flourish. You write VERY WELL.”
From the Democratic Republic of the Congo . . .
“l took time to read through Le Chemin. lt has plenty of information. Thanks for the work done. I will be inviting some of our church members to subscribe . . . [e]specially those who can read French. I will be encouraging them to distribute The Way magazine. I will also look for some friends who l know are not yet believers and will be sending it to them.”
From Tanzania . . .
“Thank you for this wonderful gift ~ The Way ~ a powerful tool for advancing the gospel. God bless you as you continue serving him. We will continue to pray for this ministry.”
The Way is our free gift to you! Receive it in your inbox in the language of your choice (English, Spanish, Italian, or French), for your own benefit (the general copy) or for the community you serve (the master copy). Simply click on the scrolling words to request your subscription.
Could your church’s outreach benefit from THE WAY ?
Check out the published copies below, deciding whether the general copy or master copy would suit your church’s outreach best. Those opting for the master copy will want to click on this button for a step-by-step guide to customizing THE WAY.
¿Podría el alcance de su iglesia beneficiarse del uso de EL CAMINO?
Consulte las copias publicadas a continuación y decida si la copia general o la copia maestra se adaptarían mejor al alcance de su iglesia. Aquellos que opten por la copia maestra querrán hacer clic en este botón para obtener una guía paso a paso para personalizar EL CAMINO.
The Way
El Camino
Le Chemin
The Way, #11 (general copy), December 2020.
El Camino, Edicion # 11 (Copia General), Diciembre 2020.
La Via, Edizione #7 (Copia Generale), Dicembre 2020.
Le Chemin, Edition # 3 (Copie generale), Decembre 2020.
The Way, Edition #10 (General Copy), September 2020.
El Camino, Edicion #10 (Copia General), Septiembre 2020.
La Via, Edizione #6 (Copia Generale), Settembre 2020.
Le Chemin, Edition #2 (Copie generale), Septembre 2020.
The Way, issue #9 (general copy), June 2020.
El Camino, ejemplar #9 (copia general), Junio 2020.
La Via, edizione #5 (copia generale), giugno 2020.
Le Chemin, edition #1 (copie generale), Juin 2020.
The Way, issue #8 (general copy), March 2020.
El Camino, ejemplar #8 (copia general), marzo 2020
La Via, edizione #4 (copia generale), marzo 2020.
The Way, Issue #7 (general copy), December 2019.
El Camino, ejemplar #7 (copia general), Diciembre 2019.
La Via, edizione #3 (copia generale), Dicembre 2019.
The Way, Issue #6 (general copy), September 2019.
El Camino, ejemplar #6 (copia general), Septiembre 2019.
La Via, edizione #2 (copia generale), Settembre 2019.
The Way, Issue #5 (general copy), June 2019.
El Camino, Ejemplar #5 (copia general), Junio 2019.
La Via, Edizione #1 (copia generale), Giugno 2019.
The Way, Issue #4 (general copy), March 2019.
El Camino, Ejemplar #4 (Copia Generale), Marzo 2019.
The Way, Issue #3 (general copy), December 2018.
El Camino, ejemplar #3 (copia general), Diciembre 2018.
The Way, Issue # 2 (general copy), September 2018.
El Camino, ejemplar #2 (copia general), Septiembre 2018.
The Way, first issue (general copy), June 2018.
El Camino, primera ejemplar (copia general), Junio 2018.