An Honors System in the cause of the Gospel
Since FROM HIS FULLNESS MINISTRIES exists to serve the global church, we are keen to increase resources for international use and to ensure they are easily accessible. To this end, we limit hindrances to the wider use of our materials, but do anticipate respect for our honors system:
The use of unattributed articles should note From His Fullness Ministries as the source, replete with title of the article, date the board passed the document (where relevant), our relevant website address, and the date accessed.
The use of attributed articles should, additionally, clearly state the original author. E.g., Tim J. R. Trumper, Brenda Trumper, Peter R. G. Trumper, or guest author.
No changes are to be made to the item used without prior permission of From His Fullness Ministries.
Permission to translate items from the website should receive prior permission, with assurances of competency in translation and a statement of how the translation will be used.
Translated items should be returned to us for use by From His Fullness Ministries.
Use of The Way is free, but we welcome reports of how God is using the publication. There should be no customization of the master copy in ways contrary to the values or doctrines of From His Fullness Ministries.
Please contact us with any questions, or feedback. We praise God for our partnership in the work of the gospel and thank you in advance for honoring this system.