Developing the Archive

Our collection of Dr. Tim’s single sermons and sermon series is a work in progress. The collection includes messages preached in pastoral ministry, for pulpit supply, and at other gatherings of the Lord’s people.

Given today’s trends in attendance at public worship, it is important to remark that the collection is no substitute for Lord’s Day worship. It can neither match the praise of God amid the communion of the saints nor help the online listener to provoke fellow believers to love and good works (Heb. 10:24-2).

The collection serves, rather, as:

  • A record of the exposition of the Word of God.

  • A help to those yet to find a place of worship, that they may have some idea of what to look for.

  • Spiritual enrichment for the believer additional to the public means of grace.

  • A resource for believers in remote areas, who are either at a distance from reliable places of worship.

  • Local gatherings without pulpit supply and the faithful exposition of the Word of God. In which case, the collection may be used for public worship or small group studies.

The Lord bless you via this means! As you have opportunity, we welcome your help in making known the availability of this collection. If the expositions are a blessing to you, kindly share them so that others may benefit, too.

“Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.”

(Ecclesiastes 11:1 [ESV])

Soli Deo gloria!


Receiving a Blessing

“Over the last few years I’ve been greatly blessed by your faithful preaching ministry. The first I heard was your sermon on Lot’s wife (“Convinced but not Converted”) and from that moment on I devoured everything I could get. Between yourself and Dale Ralph Davis my soul’s been richly fed. I regularly commend your sermons to people anyway and you get quoted (by name!) a fair bit in my own preaching.”

Scotland, United Kingdom

For additional sermons by Dr. Tim, scroll here and here.
