Besides publishing The Way, From His Fullness Ministries produces books by Dr. Tim J. R. Trumper (scroll down and click here). We have also begun republishing those by the late Dr. Peter Trumper (scroll down and click here). Note also MRS. DELWYN JONES-SCHMIDT’s All to Bring Victoria Home. Delwyn is co-translator of The Way (Le Chemin).

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"I would be very envious if I didn't have From His Fullness Books. For me, they are first-rate scholarship."

Will You Not Revive Us Again? Moving Beyond Cultural Criticism to Divine Dependence

Mark B. Blocher, Randall J. Hekman, Terry D. Slachter, and Tim J. R. Trumper (Gen. Ed.)

(Grand Rapids, MI: From His Fullness Ministries, 2024)

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Proceeds return to the ministry. We thus invite purchases and authentic ratings and reviews to help us feed the hungriest with the Living Word through the written Word.

In his latest and most significant plea for the retrieval of the doctrine of adoption, Dr. Trumper goes full-on, offering:

* The fullest history of the doctrine to date.

* An eye-opening explanation of its historic neglect. 

* Thrilling insights into the metaphorical pluses of adoption.

* A profound and uncluttered exposition of the apostle's model.

* Rich personal and communal applications.

* Proposed reforms to the discipline of systematic theology.

This ground-breaking study will feed your mind, touch your heart, enhance your praise of God, and promote the health of the church.

Soli Deo gloria!

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A Ground-Breaking Study . . .

For purchasing options, search for the ISBN 978-0578386164

Tim J. R. Trumper, Adoption: A Road to Retrieval (Grand Rapids: From His Fullness Ministries, 2022)

Pages xxxvii + 476 (incl. bibliography, indices, reader’s notes, advertising).

Pricing: U.S.A. $44.99; U.K. £33.99; European Union €39.99; Canada $55.99; Australia $59.99; Global Connect $44.99

Further details to come, with notification of when and where purchases can be made.

Thank you for your interest.


“Here we have a bountiful collection and pleasing arrangement of the fruit from [Tim J. R. Trumper’s] theological life's work.” Daniel J. Treier, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Theology, Wheaton College.

“. . . a comprehensive biblical, historical, and theological account of this key metaphor . . .. Here is a scholarly work that preaches!” Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

“. . . a masterly demonstration of the long line of tradition on Adoption as a seam to be mined. . . . [with] significant eirenic grace shown to theological opponents!” Mark W. Elliott, Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism, University of Glasgow.

“I know of no one who has studied the doctrine of adoption in a more comprehensive way or presented the doctrine in a more careful way . . . .  I wouldn’t dare preach, teach, or write on the subject of adoption without first consulting this decades-in-the-making masterwork.” Mike Honeycutt, Senior Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA), Rock Hill, SC;  formerly Associate Professor of Historical and Practical Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary.

“Marvellously comprehensive, beautifully written and superbly explained.” Tom Holland, Senior Research Fellow, Union School of Theology, Wales.

“ In my view, this is the most thorough and well-researched book on the doctrine of adoption. I highly recommend it!” Barton Priebe, Author, Adopted by God: Discover the Life-Transforming Joy of a Neglected Truth.

“No one has helped me to study more carefully, think more deeply, understand more fully, and enjoy more devotionally the Bible’s teaching on the doctrine of adoption (and its historical neglect and retrieval), than Tim Trumper . . . . I was grateful to learn of Adoption: A Road to Retrieval. It is excellent, timely, comprehensive, and challenging. I thank the Lord for Trumper and his scholarly work on adoption.” Michael A. Graham, Author, Cheer Up! The Life and Ministry of Jack Miller.

“I have longed believed that the doctrine of adoption has been widely neglected within the church historically . . . . Thankfully, Dr. Tim Trumper has worked for years to correct this very unfortunate neglect. Without a doubt, no one has taught me more about the theology of adoption and shown me its gospel wonders than Tim. In his new book, Adoption (A Road to Retrieval), Tim provides a gorgeous vista of the gospel-profundity of Paul’s theology of adoption—one that will renew the church if retrieved as Tim proposes. Read this book both for the good of the church and of your own heart." Dan Cruver, Resource Manager at Desiring God; editor and primary author of Reclaiming Adoption: Missional Living Through the Rediscovery of Abba Father.

Tim J. R. Trumper, When History Teaches Us Nothing: The Recent Reformed Sonship Debate in Contest, second ed. (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021).

Published, January 6, 2022.


When History Teaches Us Nothing has been invaluable . . . a remarkable book.” D. Clair Davis, Professor Emeritus, Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, PA.

“. . . an irenic scholarly critique of Jack Miller and The Sonship Course. . .” Michael A. Graham, Author, Cheer Up! The Life and Ministry of Jack Miller.

“We are never too big to fail or too weak to prevail— this is the feeling that overwhelmed me as I read Dr Trumper’s remarkable analysis of long forgotten and yet highly topical controversies concerning the sonship of believers.” Levente Horváth, Pastor, President of “Bonus Pastor,” Reformed Rescue Mission, Romania.


Much the buzz in confessional Presbyterian circles around the turn of the millennium, the debate concerned the discipleship course developed by practical theologian John C. (“Jack”) Miller (1928–1996) and his wife Rose Marie. Whereas some testified God’s use of Sonship in their spiritual rejuvenation, others questioned its Reformed credentials.
Setting the debate, in pioneering fashion, against the backdrop of the historical theology of adoption, Trumper offers an assessment that is enlightening, evenhanded, and constructive. His fresh portrayal of the history of the Reformed tradition teaches the value of pausing before rushing to judgment, and is a reminder that the meeting of spiritual needs requires more biblical exposition not less of it.
While addressing the points of debate, When History Teaches Us Nothing is, above all, a call to the church to recover the doctrine of adoption, and to the Reformed community to revive her creative orthodoxy, to recapture Scripture’s balance of the juridical and familial aspects of the faith, and to do so with grace.

Christianese or Christ? Jesus’ Timely Challenge of the Parable of the Sower

(Grand Rapids, MI: Reaching America Ministries and From His Fullness Ministries, 2019).

If you assume Jesus’ parable of the sower is but a bland earthly story with a heavenly meaning, think again. Jesus doesn’t do bland! Read in the context of the kingdom of heaven, our Lord’s best-known parable offers a welcome tonic to faithful preachers and hearers of God’s Word while countering the infringement of celebrity culture on the church with its encouragement of pseudo-Christianity.Christianese or Christ? constitutes, then, a tract for our times. It calls those of us who preach the Word to jettison our coolness for the biblical rigor of Christlike disciple-making, and those of us hearing the Word to ponder Christ anew. His sovereign claim to our lives comports with neither an authentic Christian’s malaise, a professing Christian’s cultural “Christianity,” nor a non-Christian’s selective interest in him as Savior but not as King. With eternal destinies and the church’s witness at stake, Jesus’ parable merits personal and group study, as also earnest prayer for the revival of our persons, our pews, and our pulpits.

Of Christianese or Christ? veteran Welsh expositor, Rev. Geoff Thomas D.D., writes:

 “This is a superb example of the preaching I love, systematic, expository, evangelistic preaching. This Welshman, Dr Timothy Trumper, stands in the succession of preachers exemplified by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, but his ministry has been expanded by his own keen mind, theological training, international experience, warm spirituality and the utterly contemporary nature of his proclamation of the Lord Jesus Christ. So equipped, he faces ideas and issues that congregations and pulpits have to face. There is much help here for the Christian and also for every pastor as they are introduced to the great Sower who constantly goes forth sowing the seed of the word.”

Pastor Rod Thole (OPC): “I carefully read your book on the parable of the sower; I loved it! I ordered a copy from Amazon for [Pastor Terry Thole, OPC] and told him it was one of the most edifying books I have ever read. I plan to read it again in the near future.”

Christianese or Christ? can be ordered through international Amazon outlets. E.g.,;

También disponible . . .

Si asume que la parábola del sembrador de Jesús no es más que una anodina historia terrenal con un significado celestial, piénselo de nuevo. ¡Jesús no hace nada insulso! Leída en el contexto del reino de los cielos, la parábola más conocida de nuestro Señor ofrece un tónico de bienvenida a los predicadores fieles y oyentes de la Palabra de Dios mientras contrarresta la violación de la cultura de las celebridades en la iglesia con su aliento del pseudocristianismo. ¿Cristianos o Cristo? constituye, pues, un tratado para nuestro tiempo. Nos llama a aquellos de nosotros que predicamos la Palabra a desechar nuestra frialdad por el rigor bíblico de hacer discípulos a la semejanza de Cristo, y a aquellos de nosotros que escuchamos la Palabra a reflexionar sobre Cristo de nuevo. Su soberano reclamo sobre nuestras vidas no guarda relación con el malestar de un cristiano auténtico, el “cristianismo” cultural de un cristiano profesante, ni con el interés selectivo de un no cristiano en él como Salvador pero no como Rey. Con los destinos eternos y el testimonio de la iglesia en juego, la parábola de Jesús merece un estudio personal y grupal, como también una oración ferviente por el avivamiento de nuestras personas, nuestros bancos y nuestros púlpitos.

Este es un magnífico ejemplo de la predicación que amo, la predicación sistemática, expositiva y evangelística. Este galés, el Dr. Timothy Trumper, forma parte de la sucesión de predicadores ejemplificados por el Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, pero su ministerio se ha expandido gracias a su propia mente aguda, formación teológica, experiencia internacional, cálida espiritualidad y la naturaleza absolutamente contemporánea de su proclamación. del Señor Jesucristo. Tan equipado, enfrenta ideas y problemas que las congregaciones y los púlpitos tienen que enfrentar. Hay mucha ayuda aquí para el cristiano y también para cada pastor cuando se les presenta al gran Sembrador que constantemente sale sembrando la semilla de la palabra.

Geoff Thomas

Consecutive Exposition:

A Weighing of Iain H. Murray’s Time for Caution

Grand Rapids: From His Fullness, 2014.

When Rev. Iain H. Murray ~ erstwhile assistant to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, cofounder of The Banner of Truth Trust, and admired church historian ~ speaks to an issue, conservative Reformed Christians sit up and take notice. Unsurprisingly, then, his 2010 caution pertaining to the prevalence of the consecutive exposition of Scripture has been republished more recently on popular websites.

Now Dr. Trumper, committed expositor and pastor-theologian, weighs Mr. Murray’s caution, offering an analysis of its welcome emphases and areas of weakness. In the process, he defends consecutive exposition and suggests ways the method of preaching can be enhanced today.

Preachers and congregants sharing Rev. Murray’s and Dr. Trumper’s united belief in the significance of preaching for the health of the church, and wanting to join the discussion of today’s pulpit ministry, will find in Tim J. R. Trumper’s study much to further the conversation in constructive ways.

Consecutive Exposition: A Weighing of Iain H. Murray’s “Time for Caution is available in both hard copy and on Kindle on various international websites: E.g., and

Preaching and Politics:

Engagement without Compromise.

Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009.

“In this book Dr. Trumper has done a superb job of identifying the crucial questions that a preacher must consider with respect to the relationship between preaching and the political process. Not only that, Dr. Trumper has provided clear Scriptural guidance to all Christians-preachers and non-preachers alike-who genuinely desire to honor their Lord by living according to the unchanging Word of God in the rapidly changing world that we now inhabit.  And, as with any good sermon, Dr. Trumper provides concrete examples, which bring his analysis to bear with biblical force both on those with Republican leanings and on those with Democratic leanings.  This is an outstanding book!” Samuel T. Logan, Jr. , International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship 

“The research done for this volume was thorough. The footnotes and bibliography refer the reader to a wealth of resources from the left and the right, politically and theologically. In this way, the author serves as an excellent example of the stance he advocates.” Steve D. Eutsler, Professor of Bible and Practical Theology, Global University, Springfield, Missouri 

Also click here. The book is available from , and from the publisher Wipf and Stock.