Tim J. R. Trumper
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The Lord make these studies a blessing to you and your church!
Gathered at the Cross: Celebrating God’s Grace to Seventh Reformed Church, 1890-2015, General Editor, Tim J. R. Trumper (Grand Rapids, MI: Seventh Reformed Church Publications, 2016).
Since 1890, Seventh Reformed Church has been a fixture on the Northwest side of Grand Rapids. In celebrating her 125 years, ministers, members, and missionaries have combined to tell of God’s grace to the church family, and how, in light of it, she has been blessed in ways beyond anything her founders could have envisioned.
Readers can gain glimpses of the West Side of old, unprecedented access to the life of Seventh Reformed Church, and read of:
*The good news of Jesus Christ.
*The content of the Reformed faith.
*The work of church revitalization.
*The spread of the gospel internationally.
Main Contributors: Brett Barkley, John R. de Witt, Karl Dortzbach, Matthew Helmus, Tim J. R. Trumper (General Editor), Thomas VandenHeuvel, and Gerald Vander Velde.
Gathered at the Cross can be purchased here.
Worship in Spirit and Truth: The Liturgy, Standards, and Practice of Seventh Reformed Church, Tim J. R. Trumper (General Editor), (Grand Rapids, MI: Seventh Reformed Church Publications, 2016).
“Worship in Spirit and Truth” is the liturgy, standards, and practice of Seventh Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and is published to mark the 125th anniversary of the church’s founding.
Originally a congregation of the Reformed Church in America, Seventh Reformed Church has been independent since 1995. Sometimes the leadership is asked, “What sort of Reformed church is Seventh Reformed?” The answer is all here in her liturgy, standards, and practical documents. These are both ecumenical and Reformed and ancient and modern, and connect Seventh Reformed Church to the history and catholicity of the Christian church as well as to the Reformed tradition in particular.
While specific to the worship and life of Seventh Reformed Church, “Worship in Spirit and in Truth” provides an example of ongoing reformation according to God’s Word, emphasizing not only order but ardor. As far as is known, this is the first liturgy book to include the World Reformed Fellowship’s recent Statement of Faith. Also useful for general study is the inclusion of a Glossary to aid understanding of the historical and theological terms used throughout. “Worship in Spirit and Truth” is, then, a useful resource for personal study as well as an example of worship in the Reformed tradition.
Worship in Spirit and Truth can be purchased here.
Tim J. R. Trumper, When History Teaches Us Nothing: The Recent Reformed Sonship Debate in Context (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2008) [original edition].
The late John C. (‘Jack’) Miller (1928 96) was, in his time, a professor of practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and an influential pastor in the New Life group of conservative Presbyterian churches. Around the turn of the millennium there developed a debate in conservative Reformed circles over the Sonship discipleship course spawned by he and his wife Rose Marie Miller. At its heart was the question of the profile of grace in Calvinistic theology and piety, and the legitimacy of the notion of sanctification by faith.
Here Dr Trumper supplies a uniquely argued early historical reflection on the debate. As significant as are the specific theological issues the course has raised, his claim is that the debate can only be understood aright against the backdrop of the practical loss over recent centuries of the doctrine of adoption from the theology of Westminster Calvinism. Trumper sees significance then in the number of parallels between Miller’s protest and that of the early nineteenth-century Scottish churchman John Macleod Campbell (notably his stress on the life of sonship; alias ‘the prospective aspect of the atonement’). His view is that had Westminster Calvinists reacted more constructively to the kernel of truth in Campbell’s protest of paternal grace, there may never have arisen an occasion for Miller’s emphasis all these years later.
By contextualizing the debate, Dr. Trumper not only provides a more balanced response to it, he also highlights its potential for the biblical renewal of Westminster Calvinism. Essential to this renewal is the recovery of the doctrines of the Fatherhood of God and of adoption and the fresh balancing of the Bible’s forensic and relational (specifically familial) emphases. Such a renewal is vital if these sorts of protest for paternal grace are to be answered effectively, and if conservative Presbyterians of the twenty-first century are to encapsulate in their theology not only a high view of Scripture, but also its tone.
Dr. D. Clair Davis, Emeritus Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, writes:
“Tim Trumper’s commentary on Sonship, When History Teaches Us Nothing, has been invaluable.”
It is, Dr. Davis adds, “a remarkable book”.
Click here to see Pastor Michael Bartlett’s review of When History Teaches Us Nothing. The book is also available in hard copy from the publisher Wipf and Stock .
Reformed Theology in Contemporary Perspective ~ Westminster: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow?, edited by Lynn Quigley (Edinburgh: Rutherford House Books, 2006).
Currently unavailable.
Includes, Tim J. R. Trumper, “Adoption: The Forgotten Doctrine of Westminster Soteriology”
Tim J. R. Trumper, “An Historical Study of the Doctrine of Adoption in the Calvinistic Tradition” (Ph.D. Diss.: University of Edinburgh, 2001).
THESIS ABSTRACT (slightly edited): The main aim of the study is to narrate and critically analyse for the first time the theological history of “the good news of adoption” in the Calvinistic tradition ~ from John Calvin to nineteenth-century Scottish and American Calvinism. The history reveals not only the importance of adoption for Calvin, but also its overwhelming neglect among later Calvinists. Not only so, it also reveals that even when adoption was expounded by later Calvinists, their treatments were characterized by historical and methodological detachment from Calvin’s more biblical-theological approach.
In the first of two parts, the study establishes the evidence of adoption in the annals of Reformed theology. In Section One of the first part there is provided the most substantive treatment to date of Calvin’s theology of adoption. Although not exhaustive, it begins with an investigation into the origin of the reformer’s use of the motif, but concentrates in chapters two to four on the salient features of Calvin’s understanding. This embraces the entire scope of redemptive-history from protology to eschatology, and includes themes such as the Fatherhood of God, predestination, covenant, union with Christ and duplex gratia, the Christian life and the church. Section Two contains an investigation of the other main source of adoption in the Calvinistic tradition, namely, the Westminster Standards (ch. 5). While acknowledging the Westminster commissioners’ differing approach to the doctrine, notice is nevertheless taken of the fact that the Westminster Confession of Faith was the first confession in the church’s history to include a distinct locus on adoption. Moreover, the methodological discontinuity notwithstanding, the statements on adoption in the Standards mirror in embryonic fashion much of what Calvin says of the doctrine.
In Part Two the study examines the legacy of Calvin and the commissioners by uncovering, first, the decline and then the stillborn revival of adoption in later Calvinism. The sixth chapter accounts for the reasons why adoption faded from theological discourse among Westminster Calvinists, and how the increasingly lopsided juridical emphasis of orthodox Calvinism eventually gave rise to the birth of revisionist Calvinism in Scotland through the influence of Thomas Erskine of Linlathen and John McLeod Campbell (ch. 7). Faced with the Victorian paradigm shift towards a more familial expression of the gospel, Robert S. Candlish set about countering the sentimental universalizing tendencies of Victorian liberalism by addressing the new familial focus from within the framework of Reformed orthodoxy. While ignored by the Broad Church movement he sought to rebuff, Candlish was challenged from within his own Calvinistic constituency by Thomas J Crawford who took umbrage with his positions on Adam’s status in Eden and the connection between adoptive sonship and Christ’s sonship (ch. 8). While such issues were left unresolved in Scotland, across the Atlantic they were taken up by the Southern Presbyterians John L Girardeau and Robert A Webb (ch. 9). Webb’s doctrinal monograph on adoption is rare, yet his erroneous claim that Calvin made “no allusion whatever to adoption” demonstrates the extent to which Calvin’s rich theology of adoption had been left to languish, typically unknown hitherto even in that wing of the post-Reformation church that gave greater theological consideration to the doctrine than any other.
The dissertation ends, therefore, not only with an appeal for the recovery of the doctrine in the Calvinistic tradition, but with a discussion of the implications of its recovery for Westminster Calvinism. To achieve this the retrieval of adoption must be shaped by a biblically regulated synthesis of historia (Calvin) and ordo salutis (later Calvinism) approaches to the doctrine. In short, the study claims that the doctrine of adoption is crucial to the constructive revamping of Westminster Calvinism.
The dissertation can be downloaded here for free.
God Found Me: True Stories of People Whose Lives Were Changed by God, edited by Irene Howat (Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian Focus Publications, 2000).
Publisher’s Blurb: “We love hearing about people’s lives, whether it’s reading about them in magazines, seeing them on TV programmes, or talking to them when we happen to meet them. Sometimes it’s just curiosity that makes us want to know their story, at other times we live their lives at second-hand, wanting something to be different about our own.
The people who tell their stories in this book can all identify with such feelings. They have all, in one way or another, looked into their lives and been surprised to find that God had something relevant to say to them about who they are and how to be content.
You too might have similar questions, concerns and ideas? Some of them will be answered as you read the stories in this book, others will be challenged. The people here come from all walks of life. The one common thread is that once they didn’t believe that God had a part to play in their lives – now they do. Once they didn’t know what they believed, now they are Christians.
Pritti Gurney, Asian Housewife; Marie-Christine Lux, Belgian Missionary;
Christopher Idle, Hymn writer; Tim Trumper, Seminary Lecturer;
Ghillean Prance, Director of Kew Gardens; Barbara Ladds, Housewife;
Joel Edwards, Director of Evangelical Alliance; Bob Ackroyd, Presbyterian Minister;
Lindsay Benn, Bishop’s Wife; Morwen Higham, Minister’s Wife;
Oliver McAllister, Bus Driver; Liam Goligher, Baptist Minister.”
The book is now out of print.