Many of the questions we are frequently asked, such as
“What do you do?”
“What do you believe?”
are answered throughout the website. Other questions are answered below.
Many thanks for your interest!
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Why is From His Fullness Ministries an independent ministry?
Our aim from the start has been to serve as the extension of the local church. While From His Fullness Ministries is independent, we are neither isolationist nor unaccountable.
Each member of our Board, with the exception of our manager Brenda Trumper, is ordained as a teaching or ruling elder in Christ’s church. Each board member subscribes to the Three Forms of Unity, the Westminster Standards, or both. One Board member always serves as liaison between the Board of Directors and the eldership oversight of the staff. The staff are actively involved in the life of the local church. The ministry thus issues from the local church in order to serve local churches and denominations internationally.
Additionally, From His Fullness Ministries serves through partnerships to supply ad hoc needs of likeminded mission agencies or indigenous churches, denominations, and ministries. A flow of both fellowship and mutual accountability is inherent in such partnerships. For this we thank God.
Is From His Fullness Ministries a nonprofit ministry?
Since our founding in 2017 From His Fullness Ministries has been registered with the Michigan Licensing Bureau and with the U.S. Federal government as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. The donations of U.S. donors are therefore tax deductible.
What is the best way for international donations to be sent to From His Fullness Ministries?
In seeking to serve the global church we welcome financial support from overseas and are most thankful for the gifts received. For the best conversion rate, simply click on the “Donate” button on the home page and scroll down, or click here, and fill out the information required. The process is very straightforward.
The “Donate” button/page is also the place to go in order to submit speaking honoraria from outside the United States.
Is From His Fullness Ministries a member of the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability?
Not at this time. The Board of Directors delayed applying until such a time as our growth of income warrants applying. Currently, our accountability is exercised within the Board of Directors and through the Board to the eldership of Little Farms Chapel (OPC), Coopersville, Michigan. We are most grateful for the legal expertise of our Board member Steven Lynde, a Certified Public Accountant and heartily affirm and practice where applicable the ECFA’s “Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship” (
How are donations to From His Fullness Ministries used?
While we do not encourage itemized giving, thereby ensuring that the Board of Directors can direct the funds where needed most at any given time, be assured that donations are used with integrity, likely in one of the following areas:
~ Toward the operating costs of the ministry: salary, administration costs.
~ Overseas ministry costs: flights, accommodation, car rental (where necessary).
~ Honoraria for services rendered.
Please note as you contemplate supporting From His Fullness Ministries that our ministry in most parts of the world is pro bono. We are, then, entirely dependent on the generosity of our donors to be able to fulfill God’s will for From His Fullness Ministries. We are also profoundly grateful for those who offer their services to From His Fullness for free: board members, translators, and our copy editor.
We look to the Lord not only to sustain the ministry at its current size, but to broaden and deepen our service to the global church. Our prayer and our confidence is that God will use his people to enable From His Fullness Ministries to fulfill all the works that he has ordained for us to do (Eph. 2:10).
How may we partner with From His Fullness Ministries?
Prayer is most welcome—for our faithfulness and guidance, and for God’s blessing as we seek to encourage our brothers and sisters in various sectors of our Lord’s vineyard. The needs are great. To keep abreast of them as also what From His Fullness Ministries is doing to address them, send an email to requesting our semiannual newsletter, and/or join our Facebook group at From His Fullness for more regular updates.
Partnerships: We welcome the partnership of individuals who are likeminded theologically and have a global vision. Partnerships may take the form of:
~ Distribution of The Way in any of its language editions. Email to sign up to receive it.
~ Volunteering your services as a translator of The Way. We welcome volunteers who have a command of both English and the language in which you would like to work.
~ Becoming a minister/teach/women’s ministry leader-at-large. We are keen to extend our reach within the global church in the training of leaders. If you are qualified to train church leaders and are in a position to travel, we would love to probe the possibilities. Contact us to learn more.
~ Contributing financially. We welcome gifts of all sizes and frequency. Bequests are also a great way of extending your ministry on earth after your days.
We also welcome partnerships with congregations. Local churches may, for instance:
~ Invite From His Fullness Ministries to your church for supply preaching, conferences, Sunday School presentations.
~ Customize The Way to reach out to your local community.
~ Include From His Fullness as a line item in your congregation’s annual budget.
~ Invite From His Fullness to your country to teach your congregational or denominational leaders. To get started in arranging this, simply scroll down to the button “International Ministry Application Form” to proceed.
Additional suggestions are also welcome. We will be sure to discuss them as a Board.