Free Theological Education for Personal or Group Study

Since From His Fullness Ministries was founded for the purpose of bringing theological education to pastors and church leaders without ready access to theological resources, we have begun to upload here theological modules for your free use. They offer earnest students of God’s Word an opportunity to enrich their understanding and ministries within their local contexts.

All we ask is that ~

  1. You accredit From His Fullness Ministries for the any duplication of the lessons.

  2. You help us to spread the word about the availability of these course modules.

We welcome requests from able translators to translate the modules for upload on this website for we are keen to increase resources for the global church in languages other than English.

In the meantime, the Lord bless your studies and your ministry!

I. Biblical Studies

We begin with Holy Scripture for several reasons. First, because it is our sole rule of faith and conduct. Any theological formulations the church creates are, at best, summaries of Holy Scripture. Second, when the church errs ~ whether under the pressure of traditionalism, rationalism, or emotionalism ~ we depart from Scripture as our rule of faith and conduct. Hence, the Protestant reformers, in seeking to restore the church to the faithful simplicity of the apostle age, advocated the principle of ad fontes (back to the source). That source, the Holy Scripture, is where our theologizing must begin (and end).

II. Systematic Theology

Prior to his passing, Rev. John M. Brentnall D.D. (1938-2021) agreed to share with From His Fullness Ministries his rich theological materials, especially for the training and encouraging of local church leaders internationally.

We have begun the process of uploading them, module by module. Do check them out, returning periodically for fresh uploads.

You will not be disappointed!

Learning Doctrine