Tim J. R. Trumper
Dr. Tim is a native of Wales, the third of four children born to Dr and Mrs. Peter and Margaret Trumper. Raised in a Christian home, Dr. Tim was converted to Christ at the age of 15. His testimony can be read of in God Found Me (Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian Focus Publications, 2000).
After graduating in politics from the University of Wales (B.A. [Hons]), Dr. Tim trained for the ministry at the Free Church of Scotland College, Edinburgh (now Edinburgh Theological Seminary), before undertaking doctoral studies at the University Of Edinburgh. During his studies there he spent a year at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany before completing his doctoral dissertation, “An Historical Study of the Doctrine of Adoption in the Calvinistic Tradition.” Some of his main theological interests include the methodological renewal of the discipline of systematic theology, the biblical renewal of Reformed theology, the recovery of the doctrine of adoption, and the value of expository preaching.
Dr. Tim has preached since 1989 and internationally since 1993; taught systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; worked with postgraduate students through such institutions as Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and Moore Theological College, Sydney; and pastored in the south-east Pennsylvania (2003-07). Since 2007, he has served as senior minister of Seventh Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (2007-2017), served as guest chaplain in two state capitols (Harrisburg, Pennslylvania and Lansing, Michigan [2007 and 2013]), preached twice-weekly for ten years on regional radio, and served between December 2008 and May 2017 as a monthly panelist and theologically Reformed voice on Total Christian Television’s locally and nationally broadcast program “Ask the Pastor.” At the end of May, 2017, Dr. Tim stepped aside as the 18th senior minister of Seventh Reformed Church to found from His Fullness Ministries, having become, with Rev. Charles Krahe, her joint second-longest serving minister.
Dr. Tim is the author of popular and scholarly articles and chapters, as also When History Teaches Us Nothing: The Recent Reformed Sonship Debate in Context, Preaching and Politics: Engagement without Compromise (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2008 and 2009, respectively), Consecutive Exposition: A Weighing of Iain H. Murray’s “Time for Caution” (Grand Rapids: From His Fullness, 2014), and Christianese or Christ? The Timely Challenge of Jesus’ Parable of the Sower (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reaching America Ministries and From His Fullness Ministries, 2019). He also compiled and edited for Seventh Reformed Church two books: a new liturgy book Worship is Spirit and Truth (2015) and Gathered at the Cross: Celebrating God’s to Seventh Reformed Church, 1890-2015 (2016).
Dr. Tim is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, and an intermittent member of Britain’s only Prime Ministerial library, the Gladstone Library (Hawarden, North Wales). He is married to Brenda, a Grand Rapidian. In addition to worshiping and ministering together, their interests include their pets (Winston and Patrick), travel, hiking, cross-country skiing, kayaking, and reading.
For more, follow From His Fullness Ministries on Twitter @TIMJRTrumper .