Serving Together for God’s Glory!

We praise God for the gifts and calling we have received to minister God’s Word internationally, as also for those who have generously partnered with us since From His Fullness Ministries was founded in 2017. Only with the partnership of “fellow workers” (Philemon 1:1), endowed with the gift of helping (1 Cor. 12:28), can we serve Christ’s global church.

We are delighted to report that we have begun to see what God can do through the joint endeavors of his people, and are confident he will supply all that is needed for us to fulfill his will. If, then, you sense God’s call to partner with From His Fullness Ministries, we look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportunity.

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches , in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.” (Rom. 12:6-8 [ESV]).


What Will Your Donations Support ?

Returning from ministry in Pakistan, crossing above Istanbul, Turkey, from Asia to Europe.

Returning from ministry in Pakistan, crossing above Istanbul, Turkey, from Asia to Europe.

International ministry

Your donation supports our cost effective model of theological education. Whereas it can take $40,000 to bring one student from abroad to train in seminary in the United States, we can train intensively many ministers, elders, and deacons intensively in full-week seminars for about $2000 per From His Fullness representatives. Costs include flights, accommodation, food, and car rentals (when needed).

Brenda Trumper, our manager and women’s ministry representative, preparing a seminar on Biblical Womanhood, Philippines, May 2019.

Brenda Trumper, our manager and women’s ministry representative, preparing a seminar on Biblical Womanhood, Philippines, May 2019.

Salary, administration, etc.

Currently, From His Fullness Ministries operates with one full-time employee, namely our president, with board members, translators, and our copy editor, all donating their time and gifts to the work. We look to the Lord to sustain our current capacity and, indeed, to grow the capacity of the ministry to serve the global church. To this end, we welcome not only individual contributions but church offerings and inclusion in annual budgets. Do contact us to learn more of the ministry (

The office of From His Fullness Ministries, the books of which, we pray, shall, as the Lord provides, serve as the basis of a combined headquarter/training and study center.

The office of From His Fullness Ministries, the books of which, we pray, shall, as the Lord provides, serve as the basis of a combined headquarter/training and study center.

Training Center

From the outset of From His Fullness Ministries in 2017, we have prayed about establishing a study or training center to further work of strengthening church leaders internationally. This will be a major undertaking. Yet, it is one which we believe could advance our work, notably in Europe at a critical juncture of the history of the church there, while also helping us to foster the contacts we have in Africa and Asia. To read more, see our proposal titled “Thinking Big for God’s Glory.” We welcome inquiries, the sharing of the proposal to interested visionaries, as also contributions.

Does Your Support of Pro bono Ministry Matter?

Hear from Pastor Steve Migisha Mushenga, Kivu Presbyterian Church, Goma, DRC ~

“Receive our warm Christian greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Last February, pastors from different church denominations, mostly Pentecostal and baptistic have benefited much from His Fullness Ministries for one week of intensive teaching. The book of 1 Peter and the church leadership course that we had with you have encouraged us so much and we thank God for your willingness to come teach us in Goma of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

As Kivu Presbyterian Church, a very young conservative refomed presbyterian church, we have also been able to launch our church plant in Kyeshero, have been blessed by your pulpit ministry on that warm Sunday and today the congregation is growing. As the church grows, we are praying God to once again send you to us so that you continue to serve with us through the preaching and teaching from His Fullness Ministries. We yearn to see you again, God willing, by next year. The DRC has already reopened his borders so please plan your next visit and come to equip church pastors and leaders in Goma.

Do you still remember that pastors’ wives who attended the workshop have requested also special trainings for them? They are still praying and waiting to hear that you are concerned about their holy hunger.

May God bless your partners, His Fullness Ministries and you all.”

Hear from Rev. Kerem Koç President of Via Christus Ministries, Turkey ~

“It is certainly not easy to find gifted teachers in the Middle East who can teach pastors. It is almost impossible to find, educated, biblical, loving gifted teachers. Dr. Trumper certainly fits that picture. He is not just a great Bible teacher but also a faithful man of God. We have not just learned from his teachings but also from his life. Many pastors here have been blessed by his teaching. More important to me is his care and love toward others. He and his wife Brenda open their home to me and to my family each time we come to the U.S. Their hospitality and kindness are hard to match. This is more important to eastern people than his willingness to come to our region, for hospitality is a key element of our culture. A man can teach, but the main question for us is whether that man actually cares and loves people. Dr. Trumper has been an amazing blessing to me, my pastor friends, and my family. He makes us feel that we are more to From His Fullness Ministries than just a teaching project. We are his friends. He is a humble, loving, and gifted teacher, who does not hesitate to go anywhere in the world to teach the Scriptures. I am humbled to be able to call him friend.”

Hear from Dr. Frew Tamrat, Principal, Evangelical Theological College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ~

“It was  a great joy and privilege for those of us living in Ethiopia to be beneficiaries of the ministry of His Fullness through His servant Dr. Tim Trumper in November 2019. Accepting our humble invitation, Dr. Trumper served the Ethiopian church leaders on two pertinent topics, The Fatherhood of God and Church Eldership. These are important topics which the church in Africa in general and in Ethiopia specifically need to hear addressed. It is rare to find a minister who combines deep knowledge of the word of God and  humility in expressing it. I have found Dr. Trumper to be that person. I am also impressed with the high levels of respect and sensitivity he shows to the culture of his audience. ”


Hear from Akembe Rumea Siluma Akembe, Mwanza, Tanzania ~

“You [and MERF] have been my greatest support [in gaining] knowledge of God . . . . I pray that God may grant you more blessings, that the ministry of preparing His servants may carry on and bear fruit. Thank you.”